2007: I was in St. Louise, Missouri for the Urbana student missions convention. In a crowd of 22,500, we worshipped, prayed, had communion, and celebrated New Year in the Edward Jones Dome at American Center.

2008: I visited the Big Apple, New York City. Not only that, I attended the New Year's countdown at the well-known Times Square. I've seen it so much on the TV in previous years that I thought to myself that I wanted to be part of the crowd, to join in the excitement of celebrating New Year in the big crowd, at least once. My dream came true, after standing in the cold windy winter night for more than three hours... It sounded crazy, but I had no regrets ;)

2009: My flight departing from Calgary was scheduled for 12:10 a.m. In the plane, we did the countdown. Subsequently, I was so exhausted that I slept through most of my journey. I took the connecting flight from Toronto back to Freddy. I finally arrived at 11:30 a.m. Thank God for the smooth landing, despite the windy condition.

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