Participating in the dog sled tour was an excellent experience! After out trip to Lake Louise, we had a stopover in Canmore before heading to Banff. The Snowy Owl Adventures offered an unforgettable dog sled tour, as it turned out. It was a two-hour tour, including a van ride to Spray Lake, where we began our exciting adventures!
We were given a short briefing about the huskies and some useful commands before driving the dog sled on our own! Here are a few commands we learned:
Hike: Get moving
Easy: Slow down
Whoa: Stop
On by: Pass another team from the opposite directionWhenever the puppies did a good job in obeying the commands, we said "good puppies!" These puppies are very tame and smart. We had six huskies for our dog sled, the two puppies in front were the leading dogs; whereas the puppies closest to the harness were among the strongest.
Some other useful commands I found:
Gee: Turn to the rightHaw: Turn to the left
The sled dog breeds at the Snowy Owl:
Canadian Inuit Husky: "Original" sled dog, the closest living relative to the wolf
Alaskan Malamute: Very similar to the Canadian Inuit Husky, also a close relative to the wolf
Canadian Indian Husky: Indigenous to North America, the closest living relative to the coyote
Siberian Husky: The most well known sled dog breed, typical "Hollywood" Husky with blue eyes
The sled dog breeds at the Snowy Owl:
Canadian Inuit Husky: "Original" sled dog, the closest living relative to the wolf
Alaskan Malamute: Very similar to the Canadian Inuit Husky, also a close relative to the wolf
Canadian Indian Husky: Indigenous to North America, the closest living relative to the coyote
Siberian Husky: The most well known sled dog breed, typical "Hollywood" Husky with blue eyes
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