Years after years, I've been wearing my favourite watch at major exams such as PMR, SPM, IELTS, finals during university years etc. It was a loyal companion through my ups and downs in life. Even though I received two other watches (Adidas and Guess) in the past few years, this was still the one I wore most often. It has such a great sentimental value to me, and I treasured it a lot.
It wasn't one of the fancy watches that cost you a fortune. Conversely, the cost was around RM30. Its look was simple yet elegant. I simply love it, especially the Roman letters on it (from one to twelve). I was confused with the letters at one point and hoping wishfully that, by looking at my watch everyday I'll soon learn them. So I did ;)
The belt watch has been changed numerous times, once every two to three years. I insisted in having the blue belt with silver metal, because it matched well with the watch design.
The happiness with my favourite watch lasted till yesterday. Something disasterous happened... it was left in my jeans' pocket when I soaked, hand-washed, and dried the pants in the dryer!! I didn't realize it until I was putting away my clothes into the closet.... and I saw this....

My heart was broken, just as the watch did! I can't believe that I was so cruel to it and has ended its life through the process of drowning it in suffocating laundry detergent with lemon scent and exposing it to the ultimate heat tanning in the dryer...
I've no one to blame but myself. I was quite upset about it since last night. The moral of the lesson, check your pockets before dumping clothes into the laundry basket! When I mentioned this to Paul that my favourite watch I've been wearing for major occasions went kaput, he replied "there's something I bring with me everywhere I go, UPSR, PMR, SPM, midterms, final exams..." As I was still wondering what could that be, a burst of laughter came from Paul and he said "my ASS!!" Hahaha... I can't help but to join him in laughter. That was a good one!
To me, what's important in life is the personal attitudes and perspectives that can really make a great impact to the world. Material things come and go, but the spirit within us is eternal. It's too bad that I can't keep something of a great sentimental value any longer, but I'd cherish the memory and keep in mind that most things in life don't last forever. Deal with it, get over it, and continue on with life!
p/s: R.I.P., my favourite silver sky blue watch, for you've brighten my days in times of trial. God bless you! xoxo
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