Monday, December 15, 2008

The Wondrous Ice

Here are some of my thoughts from today's experience walking on the ice. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend driving on unfavourable road conditions. Your own safety is more important than being at work on time!

The brook is narrow, the road is wide,
under the dim moonlight, catch a bus ride.
Sliding is easy when road is slippery,
taking baby steps while gliding slowly.

Winter weather may bring dismay,
such as icy morning on this day.
Take a leap or stay stagnant,
it's up to you which is more important.

Sometimes it's just too much to bear,
wanting to find some luck to spare.
Ceased to move when someone glared,
keep walking and never be scared.

Oceans are deep and mountains are high,
keep trying and not to sigh.
You may stumble, you may fall,
but press on and never stall.

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